Saturday, December 20, 2008

MY LIST =) (unrevised version)

It's just unfair. One month of my precious break time is almost over..there's like only *counting fingers*...WHAT?!... around three months left! OKAY.. call me selfish, but this is the type of break i've always been looking forward to.

Swinging to the bright sunshiny side of this fact is that this month was definitely a well spent one. My 3rd cousins wedding was a week after my btn camp, then it was my other cousins engagement. Stayed at my aunt's place between those two functions. Speaking of weddings, did I mention how much I loved being a part of all these glittery occasions?

OOoh, and I would like to thank my beloved cousin sister, Subathra for tying the saree for me. You're the best =) Weddings and engagements seem to be a crucial part of the Indian community. A holy ceremony where two family, souls, the yin and yang unite. (okay i made the last one up ;) ) That would be the typical answer you would get on why they are so damn important.

If you ask me, I think Indians love weddings for a totally different reason altogether. For one, it is a great excuse to buy more sarees, kareena suits, heels, blings, handbags, nail polish, mascara, jewelled hair clips, and anything else that is almost closely associated to a wedding. It serves as a convenient medium for parents to introduce their sons and daughters(whom are at their most traditional peak of their lives) to old friends and relatives whom they last met in another wedding. Then, there's the food. It's funny how important the food factor has become in weddings or almost any occassion for that matter.

Bali was amazing. More on that in my next post. Sorry =) Well, I'm definitely embracing my LOOONG break extremely well. * I'm trying really hard to fit in everything in this post* I'm a full-time couch potato now. But I do realise the time will come when I will actually feel tired of watching tv. *gasp* Did I just say that?! So keeping things in perspective, I've come up with the list.. DA LIST =)

1. Help 'amma' with chores
2. Learn to cook
3. Drive more
4. Learn to play the guitar.. properly
5. Thicker hair... no kidding
6. Building up my lung capacity
7. And hence, swim as often as possible
8. Contribute to charity
9. Eat MORE fruits and LESS chocolates
10. Read ( non-academic) books..

I can do it ;)



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