Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Moping Melancholy Mad

Contemplating as to whether or not i should hop into a 4 wheel drive and head somewhere this weekend, as refreshing as it sounds, seems a little far-fetched at the moment. It's ironic at times how things work out. My long awaited trip to Mangalore which I may add is long overdue' with all the wonderful shopping and beach scenes that I've played numerous times in my mind( even during lectures:p) is now just another plan that was thiiissssss ( approximating thumb and index finger) close to happening..... booo hooo...

Funny how amazingly grateful we are for a 4 day break that's declared due to public unrest...irony once again people ;) Of course, safety should never ever be compromised especially if you have a choice and knowing that the authorities are willing to let go of their age-old twisted tradition however hard it must have been, by giving us a break is rather comforting.. So i guess instead of moping on the fact that Mangalore will still be hundreds of miles away from me this weekend, I'm gonna cherish this fact and make the best out of these four days ...OH Yeah!!!

I've just realized that I have a thing for digestives :) My happy area just lights up at the sight of those 1/2 inch thick, tinged brown circular biscuits...ahhhh ...endorphins...