Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There'd gotta be somebody for me like that
The KI course will most definitely start in February but I still have a few important things to do before that. I'm glad that I've learned a lot about cooking. Thanks to my mum, I can turn the stove on and off, cut vegetables without cutting anything else( fingers included) into uniform shapes, know what goes into my favourite curries and dishes and best of all, be trusted to make lunch and dinners for human consumption. I've achieved so much in the kitchen this month, I think I can survive on my own cooking soon.
And I can't thank my mum more for everything that she's taught me not only during this break but throughout all these years. She has taught me so much about life and responsibilities. I'm proud to say that nowadays, messy tables and wardrobes annoys me. It just kills me to see magazines and cups lying around the house... maybe I'm having an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Well, one thing that I really want to do is to visit the children at the orphanage in SP and make their day. First I thought I could bake a cake for them but then I figured... what if that ends up ruining their day instead. So maybe I could treat them with something else.Hmm.It's good to know that I am fortunate enough to do something for these kids, so while I'm still physically and mentally able to help them out, I think I should. Nothing would complete my long long break more than seeing their faces lit up with joy. I've always wanted to do this...creating a better world for all these wonderful individuals; and I have this pervasive feeling to give back to the community.
And I have to bake something.Maybe cupcakes or an orange cake, something simple. Something that won't force my parents to 'pretend' like they actually think that it's good.
Ok well have to get back to my latest book,'The Afghan'. I'll prepare a short review on that book once I finish reading it.